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Tribute to my Loving Uncle – “Valiant unsung employee” Mr. Debobroto Chatterjee

Mr. D.B.Chatterjee popularly known as Magnet was working as a chief controller in Northern Indian Railway DRM office Lucknow breathed his last on 6th June 2010 at the age of 50 years at his Lucknow residence. He was one of the central figure of controlling movement of Railway trains and more specially movement of goods trains.
The health of any organization depends upon its tools and the success comes with proper utilization man power and judicious decision at the given point of time. Controlling the movement of trains is not an easy task because political masters are increasing the number of trains ignoring the availability of Railway tracks. Devobroto had capacity to judge intricacies of movement of trains in the above mentioned constrains. In a big organization like Railways where thousands of employees are working at different tires and to make one self useful for the organization is not an easy task. Normally the success of any department goes in the pocket of the head of the department or the political master of the ruling party and the people who toil for the success are usually ignored. Our media seems to be insensitive on such occasions. Chatterjee worked in railways more than two decades with ardent devotion and sincerity. He made himself so efficient that even critics dare not to speak about his working caliber. The superiors felt that movements of trains are in order as long as Chatterjee is in the office. His personality was a peculiar mixture of hard and soft and always remained ready to help anyone in crisis. He was the only son in the family with good financial background but preferred to work for his livelihood. He harmed none and on many occasions took the blame on himself to protect his colleagues and juniors. In fact Railway was his actual home and any hours of continuous working was never fatigue for him.
Magnet lived in lane of La-touch road Lucknow, in highly humble and docile manner that even his family members never knew about his hidden mammoth caliber. The sudden death shocked everyone in a locality as well as in office. Indian railway paid high floral tribute to the departed soul and his last journey was accompanied by large number of Railway employees from the General Manager of Railways to forth class employees and host of his admirers. There was only one word in the air that a noble sole passed away untimely and he had potentiality to contribute more to the Indian Railways. It reminds us the famous lines by Thomes Gray in his poem “Lines written on the country churchyard” where he says that in moldering heaps “Some mute---Milton here may rest”.
--- Courtsey Mr.Somendra Nath Chaudharie


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