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Thus Speaks the World Cinema PART-I

Cinema will always be there to excite your internal spirit. They make things passionate for you. They change your dreams into reality more you use your imagination more they make things realistic through lenses of camera. You watch them and you feel drowning deeper into those wild thoughts. You and the Hero both are never dull while watching them chasing an ambition like a Cat on a Rat. Director behind the camera carries an active and lush mind full of thoughts and dreams still to come to a real phase. What exactly your minds are going to accept or not going to expect…? That’s the question keeps running into their mind. They go far fro of these questions. They relish the supernatural facts and present you a package of extraordinary and mind blowing thoughts. Music is equally created to match the temperament of the movie. Sound effects and background music of the film is such a sharp job what freezes the running hot blood in your nerves. How can we forget those moments when we hang ourselves on the edge of our chairs in spite of holding hand of a beautiful girlfriend while watching movie in the theaters. Few Hollywood and Bollywood classics reminds of something which was missing from a long time.

Who were the geniuses? Who and how they wrote such brilliant ideas for us to enjoy, and feel like heroic hunks in our fantasy world! What fantasy is exactly? Is it something which never happens in reality or the incident that could happen at any moment when we don’t expect! The Film makers take fantasy from human mind and create dreams into living scenes. Watching films like Terminator, Predator, True lies, Die Hard, Indiana Jones, Air force one and many more makes us think hard about human mental capability and physical capacity they all carry messages and they prove that how much a human can do or can think. Thinking about flying was a wild idea by Fair Bros. but do ever we pay any thanks to them while we board into an airplane? Real life put up questions and reel life pay answers to those questions. No matter whether questions are dicey or simple…here we can start the long story about how these fantasies are given a real look we can share information regarding cameras and different terms of making of a Cinema…

To be continued…


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